Friday, 7 August 2015


On completion of the course the student teachers will be able to;
• Understand the techniques of teaching language and literature.
• Get an idea of the various traditional and technological learning
• Understand the modern trends in the evaluation of the learning
• Examine the various aspects related to assessment and
• Survey the various aspects in relation to teacher empowerment.
• Examine various areas of research in language education.
• Apply the theory they study in real situations.
• Formulate a framework for analyzing approaches for
differentiating between teaching language and teaching
literature in the context.
• Gain an understanding of the nature, functions and
implications of planning for teaching languages.
Unit 1: Teaching Language & Literature (15 hours)
- Innovative techniques for teaching vocabulary,
grammar, literature – prose, poetry, drama, fiction. 
- Developing lesson designs based on constructivist
Unit II : Learning Resources (25 hours)
- Traditional Resources – books, periodicals, libraries,
community resources etc.
- Technological resources – E-learning, M-learning,
virtual libraries, smart classrooms, digitalized language
laboratories, EDUSAT, web tools – blogs, podcasts.
- Discourse analysis – interpretation of discourses –
conversation, diary, notice, letter etc. - conservational
analysis – speech acts – ethno methodology-pragmatics
and discourse context – critical discourse analysis –
computing communicative function.
Unit III : Evaluation of Learning Outcomes (15 hours)

- Evaluation techniques in English language teaching –
testing language skills, vocabulary, and grammar.
- Modern trends – evaluating projects, seminars, group
discussions, symposia, assessment using portfolios,
rubrics, online assessment.
Unit IV : Assessment and Evaluation (15 hours)
- Evaluation – formative, summative, continuous and
comprehensive evaluation (CCE), grading- trends in
alternative assessment – performance based
assessments – portfolio assessment.
- Types of tests – teacher-made, standardized test,
diagnostic and achievement tests.
- Diagnosis and remedial teaching in English 
Unit V : Teacher Empowerment (12 hours)
- Pre-service training, in-service training, professional
organizations, online teacher networks.
- Reflective teaching, teacher portfolio strategies for
coping with professional stress.
Unit VI : Individualisation of language learning (12 hours)
- Techniques for individualization – differentiated
assignments – classroom task – personalized system for
Unit VII : Research Perspectives (14 hours)
- Recent research trends in English language education,
undertaking research publications – multilingual
context of India.
- Action research
Advanced Practicums (select any two items)

1. Conduct an action research based on any problem faced in
language classrooms.
2. Prepare a rubric for assessing one of the language skills.
3. Prepare a multimedia learning package on any topic of your
4. Convene a seminar on innovative techniques in teaching
1. Baker, Jonna. (2000). English Language Teacher’s Handbook :
How to Teach Large Classes with Few Resources. Henther
Westrup Viva Books Private Limited.
2. Baruah, T.C. (2006). The English Teachers Hand Book. New Delhi:
Sterling Publishers Private Limited.
3. Carroll, B.J. (1980). Testing communicative performance. Oxford :
Oxford university press.
4. Ebel, R.L. and Frisbie, D.A. (5th ed). (1991). Essentials of
Educational Measurement. New Delhi : Prentice Hall.
5. Gallavan, Nancy P. (2008). Developing Performance – Based
Assessments, Grades K-5. Arizona: Crown Press.
6. Harmer, Jeremy. (2001). The Practice of English Language
Teaching. Longman.
7. Hinkel, Eli (2005). Handbook of Research in Second Language
Teaching and Learning. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum
8. Herwings, Martin. (1999). Advanced Grammar in Use. Editorial
Cambridge University Press, UK.
9. Mertler, Craig A. (2008). Action Research : Teachers as
Researchers in the Classroom. Sage Publications (ca).
10.Miller, Wilma H (2002). Alternative Assessment Techniques for
Reading and Writing. Jossey-Bass; Spi edition.
11.Nunan, D. (1992). Research Methods in Language Learning.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
12.Parrott, Martin. (2000). Grammar for English Language Teachers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
13.Prabhu, N.S. (1987). Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
14.Swan, Michael. (2005). Practical English Usage. Third edition.
USA: Oxford University Press. 
15.Developing performance – based assessments grades K-5 Nancy P.
Gallavan – Corvin Press.
16.Action Research – Teachers as researchers in the classroom. Craig
A. Mertler – Bow-ling green state university sage publications.
17.Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning
ed- Eli Hinkel – Seattle University Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Publishers, London.
18.How to teach large classes with few resources the English
language teacher’s handbook Joanna Baker, Henther Westrup
Viva Books Private limited.
19.Alternative Assessment Techniques for reading and writing, Miller,
Wilma H.
20.Research methods in language learning – Naman. D (1992),
Cambridge University Press.
21.Second language pedagogy, ELBS, OUP, N.S. Prabhu – (1987).
22.Essentials of educational measurement Ebel, R.L. and Frisbie,
D.A. (1991). Essential of educational measurement. New Delhi
Prentice Hall of India, Pvt, Ltd.
23.Testing communicative performance, B.J. Carell.
24.A Handbook for English language teachers. T.C. Baruah.
25.Advance grammar in use. Hewings, Martin (1999), Cambridge
University Press.
26.Grammar for English language teachers. Martin Parrot (2000).
27.Practical English usage. Swan, Michael (1995) Oxford University
28.The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harmer, Jeremy
(2001). Longman. 
Mahatma Gandhi University
 M.Ed Degree (CBCSS) Second Semester Examination
Course Code : 907.1
Application Pedagogy of English Education
Time : 3 hrs. Max. Weightage : 32
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 4 weightage
1. Explain the steps involved in conducting an action research to
analyse the spelling errors committed by high school pupils.
2. Explain the role of professional organizations in enhancing
professional development of teachers.
3. What are the characteristic features of evaluation techniques
now used in ELT?
4. Critically evaluate any one research conducted in the teaching
of English.
[2×4 = 8 weightage]
Answer any six questions. Each question carries 2 weightages
5. How can an innovative English teacher apply Information
Technology in the teaching process?
6. Prospective teachers at the graduate level commit many errors
in written English. As a would be teacher educator, suggest five
remedial measures. 
7. How will you develop the aesthetic skills of your high school
8. Mention the strategies that you would put forward for coping
with professional stress among teachers.
9. How would you construct a diagnostic test?
10. What are the limitations of a language lab in the learning of
11. What are the different types of objective types test items you
would employ for evaluating the acquisition of language skills
and English?
12. Bring out the role of in-service training for teacher
(6x2=12 weightage)
Answer any six questions. Each question carries one
13. Suggest any two language games suitable for teaching
vocabulary at secondary level.
14. How will you evaluate a project?
15. Distinguish between teacher made tests and standardized tests.
16. Discuss the different types of grading.
17. Enumerate a few advantages of CCE.
18. What do you mean by a blog?
19. Distinguish between portfolio and rubric. 
20. Write down the limitations of language lab in the learning of
(6×1 = 6 weightage)
Answer all the questions. Each question carries ½ weightage
21. Expand EDUSAT
22. Who is the proponent of Action research?
23. Which type of evaluation is carried out at the end of the year?
24. Name the test that is used as the criteria for conducting a
diagnostic test.
25. Under which type of resources does historical places and
museums come?
26. Mention a website related to English language research.
27. Name any one English Language Journal
28. Name the type of vocabulary that is continuously used by the
native speaker.
29. Define communicative competence.
30. What is a discourse?
31. Give a suitable topic for action research.
32. What is summative evaluation?
(12x ½ = 6 weightage)

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