1. To equip the student teacher to attain basic skills and
cognitive orientations in Information Technology
2. To develop an analytical perspective towards the emerging
trends and practices in Information Technology for effective
curriculum transaction
3. To encounter the challenges of building quality technology
4. To develop an insight into the dimensions and innovative
trends in of Information Technology as a subject of study in
5. To acquire the skills to become proficient in the effective
utilization of ICT
6. To develop and transact their expertise in ICT effectively in the
actual classroom settings.
Course Content
UNIT-1 Basics of ICT (10 Hrs)
Meaning, nature, characteristics and scope of Information Technology
Education Major divisions of Information Technology - Aims and
objectives of Information Technology Education up to higher
education level - Relevance of Information Technology education in
the present day educational system.
UNIT-II (10 hrs)
Approaches in teaching Information Technology: Instructional
software, Drill and practice activities-Tutorial activities-Tele
conference-Instructional Exams-Simulation activities, problem
solving, Integrated learning system (ILS)-Logo-resources.
Information Technology Resources: Hardware and Software
material generators-Desk top publishing, select and use, type of faces
(fonts), visual cueing-Graphics-Test generators, Test question banksonline
information sources, W.W.web Sites, E-mail, Multimedia-TeleText.
Introduction to e-learning – Definitions – types (Synchronous and
Asynchronous) – Blended e-learning – Social book making.
UNIT-III (18 hrs)
Role of ICT in Education and Training: Computer Assisted
Instruction, Computer managed Instruction, Computer based testing,
Computer mediated communication. Computer generated materialsComputer
Languages-Internet-Locations in Cyber Space, using
statistics packages, planning and organizing tools-Using Research
and reference tools etc. maintenance and Records.
Viruses: causes, prevention and cures.
Pod casting (fusion of I pod and broad casting )
Pod casting as digital audio programming - Instant managing - Text
chat – Internet forums – e mailing.
UNIT-IV – Strategies and Possibilities of ICT (10 Hrs)
Development of skills-ICT and thinking skills, Developing Graphics
skills-Developing effective logical reasoning skills-critical and creative
thinking strategies for developing problem solving. Y-fy campus –
significance of laptop in teaching learning process – laptop as a
device for effective teaching.
Unit V – Teacher’s Role in ICT (5 hrs)
IT Education Teacher: Academic and professional Qualification,
Qualities, required for a good ICT education teacher, Duties and
responsibilities, technical competency teacher development, preservice
and in service training opportunities for professional growth.
Unit – VI (10 hrs)
Instructional techniques of ICT in the 21st century. Net work
transaction, Tele-conference, Webinar, E-learning, Reflective teaching
strategies, problem solving, portfolio, concept mapping, Problem
based learning, Internet Access, Cyber space and new frontiers of
teacher education, Virtual knowledge café. E-content – Writing.
Website – page preparation of website – websites on education – web
UNIT- VII (5 hrs)
Curriculum Development: – Principles of curriculum construction -
curriculum vs. Syllabus - Different types of curriculum –Different
curricular approaches - Enrichment of curriculum - Curriculum
UNIT- VIII – Instructional Approaches (10 hrs)
Modern Instructional Approaches: Programmed learning, Modular
approach, Models of Teaching: Information Processing Models, Social
Interaction Models, Personal Models, Behavioural Models, Concept
based Models, Synetics Model.
General Approaches: Micro teaching-Team teaching-Reflective
teaching-Seminar – Workshops - Conference - Co-operative learning
-Supervised study.
UNIT- IX – Resources of evaluation (10hrs)
Evaluation: Meaning- Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation -
Objective based evaluation, Internal and external evaluation,
Formative and summative evaluation, Diagnostic testing - Criterion
referenced tests and Norm referenced tests - Question banks -
Grading system - use of computers in scoring and recording of
results - analysis of data etc.
Unit X Knowledge Management (10 hrs)
Knowledge management – knowledge production – Attributes
and services – knowledge management model – Ikujiro Nonaka –
process view of knowledge management – Justification of knowledge
Unit XI (10 hrs)
• E-learning net work – National knowledge network – countrywide
classroom. Knowledge organization and net a data.
• International standards of ICT devices – International Quality
of ICT in classrooms – Interacting with teleconference – Video
conferencing – Assurance of international quality on ICT –
Suggested measures.
Advanced Practicum (any two)
1. Prepare a Lesson Design on Computer Assisted Instruction.
2. Develop a lesson design with power point presentation on any
selected topic from psychological philosophy / Education
practices. Submit a report on it.
3. Create a blog on Education Develop content for educational
blog and connect it with server.
1. Chanler, David et al, (1993). Computer Technology for Higher
Education – A Design Model for a Computerizing University (Vol.
III) The Canadian Experience. New Delhi: Concept Publishing
2. Bentley Trevor (1992). Training to meet the technology challenge.
London: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.
3. Roger Crawford (1997) Managing Information Technology in
secondary schools, London: Routledge.
4. Cady Glee Harrah and Pat Mc Gregor (Ed.) (1996). Mastering the
Internet. New Delhi: BPB Publications.
5. Robert Heinich, (1990). Instructional Media and the New
technologies of Instruction. New York: Mac Millan Publishing
6. Leon Alexis and Mathews Leon (2002). Fundamentals of
Information Technology. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing Company.
7. Leon Alexis and Mathews Leon (2002). Internet in a Nutshell. New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing Company.
8. Sanjay Saxena (2002) First Course in Computers – 2002
Edition. New Delhi:Vikas Publishing Company.
9. Leon (2002) Internet for Everyone. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing
10. Sanjay Saxena (2002) Introduction to Computers and M.S.
Office. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
11. Rajesh, Easwarakumar & Balasubramaniam (2002) aComputer
Networks. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
12. Kjell Erik Rudstan, Judith Schoenholts – Read (2002) Handbook
of Online Learning. New Delhi, Sage Publication.
13. E. Arno Macia, Solar Cervere, C. Rueda Ramos, (2002),
Information Technology in Language fro specific purposes.
Germany, Spinger International Handbook of Education.
14. Simmons Hawkins – Teaching ICT – Sage Publications New
Delhi – 2010.
15. Aggarwal, Sanjay, M.Kumar and Anilkumar. “Knowledge
management framework for improving Teaching and learning
process in Technical Education in India”. University News,
August 11 – 17, 2008, pp. 10 – 16.
16. Awad, Elias. M and Hassan M. Ghaziri, Knowledge management.
Pearson Education Pvt Ltd : New Delhi .2004.
17. Karsinti, T.2002 (Oct – Dec). ‘From Blackboard to Mouse Pad: A
case study of effectiveness of e-learning and technology’.
http : //
18. Mathotra, Yogesh. “Knowledge management, knowledge
organizations and knowledge workers : A view from the front
lines”, April 2001.
19. Mohanty, Laxman and Neharikw Vohra. ICT strategies for
schools : A guide for school administration. New Delhi : Sage
20. Nonaka, Ikujiro and Hirotaka, Takeuchi. The knowledge creating
company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of
innovation. New York, NY : Oxford University Press. 1995.
21. Barath, Steve. “Learning from Mistakes”. Knowledge
Management April 2001, pp, 41 – 47.
Common Course : 906 – ICT and Modern Educational Practices
Time : Three (3) Hours Max. Weight : 32
Part A
Answer any two questions. Each question carries a weight of 4
1. Discuss the scope of integrating pedagogical principles in ICT based
teaching and learning.
2. Explain the advantages of integrating ICT with different subjects in
schools. Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
3. Discuss the recent curricular reforms at secondary and higher
secondary educational levels in Kerala with special reference to
National Curricular Framework, 2005.
4. Examine the effect of globalization on development of curriculum
and administration at different levels of education.
(2×4 = 8 weight)
Part B
Answer any six questions. Each question carries a weight of 2
5. Theoretically distinguish information from misinformation and
6. What is meant by “data mining” and explain its applications.
7. How can computers be useful in test scoring and processing of
8. Explain the role of teachers in the approach of problem solving.
9. Describe the relevance of virtual classrooms in the present learning
10. Express your views on the role of computers in knowledge
construction and creation.
11. Analyse the ethical issues in connection with the use of internet.
12. Give a brief account on the programs for meeting special needs of
learners in our classrooms.
(6×2 = 12 weight)
Part C
Answer any six questions. Each question carries a weight of 1
13. What is the concept of educational informatics?
14. What is operating system?
15. How do the secondary storage systems differ each other?
16. Explain the salient features of problem based learning.
17. Suggest any four means to promote women empowerment.
18. What is the difference between teleconference and computer
19. Mention four inequalities that exist in our educational system?
20. Give any four comparisons in vocationalisation of education in USA
and India?
(6×1 = 6 weight)
Part D
Answer all questions. Each question carries a weight of .5
21. What is remedial teaching?
22. Define e resource.
23. Give the purpose of tele-conference.
24. What is PSI?
25. What is virtual classrooms?
26. Define curriculum evaluation?
27. What does information processing model stand for?
28. What is computer virus?
29. Give a suggestion for e-waste management.
30. What is a face book.
31. Define cloud computing.
32. What is a portfolio.
(12×.5 = 6 weight)
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